Hiring a Virtual Assistant: When Should You Do It?


Virtual Staffing

Publish Date:

Jun 22, 2022


Running a business will require you to wear a lot of hats, but the secret to your company's success is delegating tasks to specialized experts. When you find yourself juggling too many tasks in a day, it might be smart to finally hire a virtual assistant to help you.


Managing a business ensures you're addressing all important variables—revenues, costs, production, labor, marketing, and many more. And now that the world is opening up, more businesses are starting to oil up their gears and working to ensure they're able to accommodate the new demands of consumers.

With that being said, hiring an extra set of hands is crucial to ensure that your business keeps running as it should. For this reason, many businesses work with virtual assistant staffing agencies to help them build their virtual team.

While there are a lot of things that your company should consider, hiring a virtual assistant isn't rocket science. You just have to start by defining the tasks that you want them to accomplish and the specific tools and software you want them to use.

After that, you can start identifying potential candidates that would make the best fit for your company. Remember, you should also consider the candidate's personality, as it would affect their ability to work with other staff members.

You're probably here because you're still wondering when you should start building your virtual team. If that's the case, keep reading. In this article, we'll guide you through when you should hire a virtual assistant. On top of that, we'll also share the key benefits of hiring an extra set of hands with you. Let's take a look!

What is a Virtual Assistant?

Before we get started, let's make sure you're familiar with virtual assistants. If you've never heard of them before, don't worry. We'll give you a brief introduction to understanding what they do and how they can help your business.

Virtual assistants are a relatively new concept, especially when compared to how old the world of business is. Previously, a secretary was assigned to each business they were working with, but those days are long gone. Nowadays, virtual assistants are playing the role of an assistant, but with a huge difference—they're not physically there.

Virtual assistants, also known as VAs, are hired online to help you manage your business tasks. These assistants may not be physically present in your office, but they'll be working hard from the confines of their own homes.

They'll help you run your business, but more importantly, they'll help you run your business efficiently. With a virtual assistant, you'll be able to delegate tasks, allowing you to grow your business efficiently.

When Should I Hire a Virtual Assistant?

  • When You're Ready to Improve Your Business's Flexibility: In today's changing world, it's becoming harder to anticipate the needs of your customers. This is because we're reaching an age where technology dominates our lives. People are ditching old-fashioned ways, and now, they're using the internet to do pretty much everything—including shopping. As such, you'll have to ensure that your business is ready to accommodate the online shopping trend. With a virtual assistant, you'll be able to improve your business's flexibility and better anticipate your customers' needs.
  • When You Need to Boost Your Team's Productivity: With that being said, you can also hire a virtual assistant if you're looking to make your team more productive. A virtual assistant can help you achieve that by taking away some of the more time-consuming tasks and allowing your current staff members to focus on more important tasks.
  • When You Need to Look For Cost-Effective Solutions to Run Your Business: Aside from looking for ways to improve your team's productivity, you can also hire a virtual assistant if you're looking for cost-effective solutions to run your business. Hiring a virtual assistant is cheaper than hiring staff members, plus, you don't have to bother yourself with the hiring process—it's as simple as clicking a button.
  • When You're Ready to Scale Your Business: If you're looking to grow your business and take it to the next level, then you might want to consider hiring a virtual assistant. They'll help you manage your business and make sure that your team is running at its best.

What are the Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant?

  • You Get to Save More Time: With a virtual assistant, you'll be able to save up to 70% of your workweek. If you're looking to scale your business, then hiring a virtual assistant is the ideal solution. They'll help you save time and free up more time to focus on other aspects of your business.
  • You Get to Adapt to Changing Global Conditions: As we've mentioned earlier, the world of business is changing. In fact, it's evolving so fast that barely anybody can keep up. To stay in the game of business, you'll need to adapt to these changing conditions. With a virtual assistant, you'll be able to accommodate these changes and ensure that your business is ready to compete.
  • You're Able to Effectively Improve Your Business's Products and Service: Businesses that can effectively improve their products and services are the ones that'll survive. With a virtual assistant, you'll be able to use their expertise to improve your business's products and services, allowing you to attract more customers.
  • Focus on Administrative Tasks: As you run your business, you'll have to handle a variety of administrative tasks. These tasks are often time-consuming, but with a virtual assistant, you'll be able to focus more on your core business.
  • Build Streamline Processes: If you're looking to streamline your processes, then you should hire a virtual assistant. By removing repetitive tasks from your daily workload, you'll be able to focus more on your business' growth.
  • You Get to Make Better Use of Your Current Resources: You should hire a virtual assistant because they'll help you make better use of your current resources. With a virtual assistant, you won't have to worry about investing in new equipment or hiring additional staff members.
  • You Don't Have to Bother Yourself With the Hiring Process: The hiring process is one of the most tedious processes when you're looking to hire an employee. It's a complicated process that takes time, effort, and resources. With a VA, you'll be able to skip the hiring process, saving you a lot of time, effort, and resources, especially since you can easily work with virtual assistant staffing agencies.

What Tasks Can Virtual Assistants Focus On?

  • Social Media Management: Social Media is one of the most important aspects of business nowadays. That's why it's crucial to have a social media manager to help you manage your social media accounts. They'll help you maximize your social media marketing efforts, allowing you to grow your brand even more.
  • Customer Support: Customer support is another task that can be made easier with a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants can help you manage customer support and ensure that your customers are happy.
  • Technical Writing and Copywriting: At the end of the day, your virtual assistant can easily handle the technical writing and copywriting tasks. They'll help you write blog posts and social media posts, allowing you to focus on more important areas of your business.
  • Graphic Design: If you're looking to brand your business, then you might want to hire a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants can help you design logos, business cards, and other graphic designs, allowing you to focus more on your core business.
  • Accounting: Accounting is a crucial part of business, yet it's one of the most tedious processes. With a virtual assistant, you'll be able to simplify your accounting processes and improve your business' growth.
  • Data Analysis: With a virtual assistant, you can easily get help with data analysis and reporting. They'll help you interpret your data and draw conclusions that can help you improve your business.

The Bottom Line: Work with a Virtual Assistant Staffing Agency to Build Your Virtual Team

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons why you should hire a virtual assistant to help you run your business. If you're looking to improve your business' productivity, then hiring a virtual assistant is the ideal solution.

To ensure that you get the most out of your hiring process, you'll need to work with a virtual assistant staffing agency. These agencies can help you find the right candidates—no matter what industry you operate in.

In the end, working with a virtual assistant is pretty simple. All you need to do is simply hire them online. Depending on your budget and current needs, you can hire a virtual assistant on a part-time or full-time basis.

Trust us—with the right agency, they'll help you hire the best virtual assistants available in the industry. What's more, they'll help you cut costs and make sure that your business is running smoothly. If you're looking to build a virtual team, then we highly recommend you to check them out.

How Can We Help You?

If you're looking for a virtual assistant staffing agency to help you, why not check out Pena4?

We provide virtual employees for different business sectors. From health information management to revenue cycle, IT management down to virtual assistants of all types—we're here to help.

Learn more about how we can help you today!